An Exhaustive Guide to 7 Web Design Trends for 2018

An Exhaustive Guide to 7 Web Design Trends for 2018

Web design explored more in technology and innovation as a digital medium. 2017 has been an amazing year for the newly sprung web design trends. In the recent scenario, the whole web is using clean and flat design with gradient touch according to the 2017 trends. 2018 is going to be utilized in some unique mobile-friendly ways.

In this article, we will be discussing some of the web design trends that have remained very popular in the year 2018.

7 Web Design Trends of 2018

1. No Borders

Web Design Trends 2018Website design should be with space and don’t need any boundaries till needed. The layout looks cleaner without any border. Don’t separate sections with borders let them merge with background color and patterns. The designer needs to use good space within certain elements so that users know what they can click on and where it will take them.

2. Drop Shadows & Depth

Web Design Trends 2018Designers generally play with shadows to create depth. Shadow creates a visualization effect that not only increases webpage embarks but also improves User Experience (UX) by providing accentuation. For instance, using light and subtle shadow in the hover state is not something unique, but when you combine it with some vibrant color gradient, it becomes an entirely unique concept.

Shadows help to declare the hierarchy of elements between two objects. Also, shadows help users understand that one object is above another.

3. Vibrant Colors

Web Design Trends 2018Via Adobe

Web Design Trends 2018

2018 is definitely the year for super excess colors online.

Using vibrant colors can help you draw the attention of the visitors, and set a mood, emotions, perceptions and actions. Especially, when talking about web design, 2018 is going to be a year of vibrant colors. Using vibrant colors can help the designers to create the targeted important elements for the attention of the visitor. Earlier, many designers were stuck with web-safe colors. Using vibrant colors makes your design more happening and every section will have different angles.

Also, using vibrant colors on the website depended on the customer’s choice and brand identity. But if we talk about any Art/Cultural website then using vibrant colors will leave user amazed. Though specific brands have their own logo and design in the context of their business, the only thing required is to use more elegant colors.

4. Typography

Web Design Trends 2018Typography is something gaining the highest attention with its creativity and the glory it offers. Typography is unique and creative in its own way everywhere across the globe. It is a visual tool and basically, a backbone of the website that creates the entire look and tone of the website that conveys the important information.

Web Design Trends 2018

Now, the trend is to use large, big bold and thin typos. Bold and big typo creates a mass for the website. Google has a large library of excellent options available such as Open Sans and Source Sans Pro. Good typography improves UX and best of all, keeps the visitor reading your website.

5. Grid-based Layout

Web Design Trends 2018When the images are in a grid form, they create a perfect layout in the CSS grid. The grid view offers control over the size of the cells to be selected. Hence, lets you maintain the ratio to the height.

Web Design Trends 2018

By using the grid system on the website, the content and elements become more organized on all devices. Grid style layout helps the best and most optimized responsive website. These days using a grid-based layout is more like a standard. Now designers are adding a huge collection of grid-based layouts to their resume. As the grid system is easy to flow with CSS. Also, the grid has its own built rows and columns classes. We can control the layout by using these classes in CSS.

There is a huge collection of grid-based layouts on the web. Any can be used and implemented easily. Bootstrap provides us best grid system with many references on the web. Grid systems simplify this complex task and make it easier. The website looks more organized and gives the user to feel alive on the website with their gutter space between row and columns. We can use high-quality images in the grid-based system for any domain. It will affect on UI/UX of the website as the user’s eyes will stop on the grid images and they will stay website for a while. By using the grid on the website, the content becomes well organized on many devices.

6. Mobile First

Web Design Trends 2018

The world is getting smaller as the usage of mobile and the internet has increased, people have to have the whole world of information on their hands. Nowadays people access the website by mobile instead of a desktop. So, it becomes mandatory that our website should work responsive and optimized on mobile and other devices.

As Google moved to Mobile’s first search. Web developers are now comfortable with responsive web designs. Earlier, with mobile sites, updates were required depending on the update in a new phone, tablet, or browser. But, with a responsive website, it becomes easier to get found on search engines.

7. Custom Illustrations & Icons

Web Design Trends 2018

Web Design Trends 2018

Custom artwork and illustrations let you create a visual language that can add a great change to a brand. In 2018, you will be able to get creative as more artwork will be noticed in a broad range of styles. Custom illustrations trend is perfect for businesses that are fun and energetic, it can help make brands that are typically perceived as serious and right-brained more approachable to their customers. Whatever your brand identity is, there’s likely an illustration style to match it.

Web Design Trends 2018

Icons are easy to read. The icon can be useful to describe the title or any point related to websites. Beautiful icons can make a website’s UI more attractive. Users love to see icons and they are now smart enough to identify the icon is about without any title too. Icons are not heavy as we can use font icons with CDN paths. Instead of images icons load too fast so we don’t need to optimize icons.

We all use the icons on mobile we can identify the app or practice by an icon.