Transform your remote and hybrid work structure with premier Microsoft solutions

At DEV IT, we specialize in customizing and managing Microsoft solutions like M365, Teams, SharePoint, and VDI for these new work environments, turning remote work into a success driver.

Hybrid & Remote Work

Leverage Microsoft 365's integrated tools to boost productivity and collaboration in hybrid and remote workplace models, ensuring secure, seamless operation irrespective of location.

Unified Communication

We incorporate Microsoft Teams into your workflow, enabling seamless organizational communication. From instant messaging to video conferencing, we streamline collaboration amongst your employees, regardless of their geographical locations.

Secure Document Management

By leveraging SharePoint, we create a safe and structured document storage and collaboration space. SharePoint's advanced features like version history, co-authoring, and powerful search tools help to enhance productivity while maintaining the integrity and security of your data.

Flexible Desktop Solutions

Our VDI solutions allow your team to access their work desktops securely from any device, anywhere, at any time. This empowers your workforce to work from remote locations and ensures they have all the resources they need to stay productive.

Integrated Microsoft 365 Suite

We integrate the entire Microsoft 365 suite into your operations, combining the power of industry-leading productivity apps like Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with advanced cloud services. This enables your team to work more efficiently and collaboratively, even from remote locations.

Customized Deployments

We understand that every organization has unique needs and challenges. Therefore, we offer customized deployments tailored to your business requirements and objectives. We balance technology, risks, and costs to let you capture the full cloud potential.

End-to-End Support

Our support extends beyond mere implementation. We provide continuous assistance and optimization to ensure your remote work setup runs smoothly, addressing any technical issues and upgrading your system to keep up with evolving business needs and technology trends.

Create dynamic workspaces utilizing Microsoft 365 solutions

DEV IT uses Microsoft 365, Teams, SharePoint, and VDI expertise to build secure, efficient digital workspaces for hybrid and remote work. We drive the following benefits:

Improved Collaboration

Microsoft Teams, a core component of M365, seamlessly integrates communication tools like chat, video conferencing, and file sharing. This integration fosters a collaborative culture that transcends geographic boundaries, enabling teams to work in real-time, irrespective of their physical locations.

Advanced Security

M365 offers advanced security features that continuously monitor potential threats, ensuring your data remains safeguarded. With features like multi-factor authentication, encrypted communications, and threat intelligence, you can rest assured that your data is shielded, regardless of where your team accesses it.

Increased Productivity

The flexibility that M365 provides means employees can work from anywhere—be it their home, a coffee shop, or on the go. This adaptability not only boosts morale but also leads to higher productivity levels. Employees can balance their work-life more effectively, reducing commute times and creating a personalized workspace that best suits their needs.

Cost Savings

Transitioning to a hybrid or remote work model with M365 reduces the need for physical office space, utilities, and on-site IT infrastructure. Moreover, by leveraging cloud capabilities, businesses can also minimize expenses associated with hardware maintenance, software updates, and on-premises server upkeep, making the entire operation more cost-efficient.

Our Approach

We follow a comprehensive, four-step approach to implementing our Hybrid and Remote Working solutions:



We closely collaborate with your team to grasp your existing IT infrastructure, remote work requirements, and business processes. This enables us to create a tailored strategic plan aligned with your objectives.

tailored solution design

Solution Design

With insights in hand, we design a bespoke solution integrating Microsoft 365, Teams, SharePoint, and VDI technologies. Seamless implementation ensures minimal disruption to your operations.


Adoption and Training

Our interactive training sessions empower your team to make the most of the new tools. They gain expertise in leveraging these solutions effectively.


Continuous Support

We offer continual support post-implementation, swiftly resolving issues and enhancing performance via regular audits, ensuring your remote infrastructure adapts with your growing business.

Case Studies

We have stories to inspire you

Explore how we have helped businesses like yours embrace the new normal with our Hybrid and Remote Working solutions. Discover how we've revolutionized their operations and empowered their remote workforce.

Migration To 0365
Migration to O365 for Enhanced Business Efficiency
Managed 0365 Migration
Managed O365 Migration with Microsoft End-point Device Management
Data Migration To Microsoft Office 365
End-to-End Data Migration to Microsoft Office 365