[How to] Create a Queue using Amazon SQS

How to Create a Queue using Amazon SQS

Large companies face difficulties in storing, sending, and receiving messages in volumes between various software. They are always keen to learn about alternatives that can make their lives easier. Are you one of those companies? If yes, DEV IT experts have just the right solution for you. Leverage Simple Queue Service (SQS), an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud application.

Over 677 companies use SQS including Pinterest, Lyft, and many more such successful brands.

What is SQS Exactly?

SQS allows you to transmit any volume of data without any other external services. It is employed to send, store, and receive messages between code elements without losing messages. Queuing services allow you to decouple and scale distributed systems, microservices, and other serverless applications.

AWS offers you two queue variants for you can choose the one that suits your requirements the most. One of them is a standard Queue, and the other is the First in First Out (FIFO) Queue. 

What is a Standard Queue?

  • Standard queuing offers you almost unlimited Transactions Per Limits (TPL).
  • Messages are delivered at least once, but sometimes they are delivered in their associate degree order, in a different form than they were sent.
  • Standard queue sends information between applications once the outturn becomes vital, for example:
    • Standard Queuing decouples live user requests from intensive background tasks. It lets you transfer media by either resizing or encrypting it.
    • It assigns tasks to multiple worker nodes.
    • It prepares messages in a batch for future processing. It schedules multiple messages that might be needed to share the required information.

 What is a FIFO Queue?

  • FIFO queuing supports up to three hundred messages per second (receive, send or delete).
  • If you batch ten messages per operation (maximum), first-in first-out queues will support up to three thousand messages per second. 
  • You may also raise a support request to extend the limit.
  • The order is protected from messages sent and received.
  • Once the message is delivered, it remains obtainable till the client processes and deletes it.

FIFO queueing allows you to send information between applications once the order of events is clarified.

Want to create queues? Learn how!

  • Log into the AWS console, type SQS in the find services tab, and select SQS.
  • From the SQS screen, click on create ‘queue.’ It will redirect you to the queue listing page.
  • Click on create a queue, to create a new queue.
  • Select the type of queue you wish to create. Enter your name and create with default settings as shown below. 

What do you require to employ SQS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers an SQS console that can get you started within minutes. The following are the requirements to commence using SQS.

  • AWS account
  • You need to be an Identity and Access Management (IAM)User that allows you to leverage AWS services.
  • Access key ID and Secret access key.

How does SQS benefit you?

  • It helps you eliminate administrative overhead.
  • It promises you the reliability to exchange innumerable messages.
  • It ensures that your important data is secure.
  • It is cost-effective and helps your team focus on other differentiating tasks.

If you wish to know more about SQS or avail of SQS services, get in touch with an expert at DEV IT now!