AWS Route53: Understanding Features and its Usage

AWS Route53: Understanding Features and its Usage


Amazon Route 53 provides DNS (Domain Name System) service with 100% availability. DNS translates human-readable names like to a numeric IP address that computers used to talk to each other. Route 53 provides three main functions:

  1. Domain Registration
  2. Domain Name System service
  3. Health Checking

Amazon route 53 integrates seamlessly with other AWS services and can be used to map domain names to Load balancers, Amazon EC2 instances, and Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon cloud front distributions and other AWS resources. Additionally, Amazon Route53 can also be used with non-AWS resources.

Understanding Traffic Flow

  1. If you are running applications in multiple regions around the world, you can easily set up routing using traffic flow to send each end-user to the best location for them.
  1. Traffic flow also offers easy configuration of failovers. Rerouting users to an alternate location if the primary application endpoint becomes unavailable.
  2. Route 53 helps improve reliability with traffic flow.

Amazon Route53

Route53 provides an extensive and valuable service for users, businesses and corporate, which are as follows:

1. Domain Management

Every website needs or has a unique name. Let’s say

Route53 will help to register the domain name as per availability and price. Users can also link Route53 to existing services like EC2 or Beanstalk.

As shown in the below image, under DNS management users can create multiple hosting zones.

Amazon Route53

2. Traffic Management

Route53 Traffic Flow allows an AWS customer to control traffic routes using a drag-and-drop graphical user interface to ease traffic management. Route53 Traffic Flow also enables a user to revert to previous traffic routing policies.

A visual tool that lets’ you create policies for multiple endpoints in complex configurations.

Route 53 Traffic Flow uses a set of rules to dictate how to route traffic.

There are four types of rules:

  1. Weighted.
  2. Fail-over.
  3. Geo-location.
  4. Latency.

Note: Weighted rules direct percentages of traffic to particular endpoints. Fail-over allows a developer to define a fall-back endpoint if the primary server is not healthy.

Steps to launch Route53 Traffic launch:

Step 1: To launch the Route 53 Traffic Flow service, you have to create a DNS entry.

Step 2: Connect the created DNS entry to an endpoint or a traffic management rule.

The below image depicts the launched Amazon Route 53 traffic route 53 feature.

Amazon Route53

3. Availability Monitoring

Route53 health checks monitor health and performance of your application’s servers, or endpoints from a network of health checkers in locations around the world.

Steps for Availability Monitoring:

Step1: Specify either a domain name or an IP address and a port to create HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP health checks that check the health of the endpoint.

Step 2: Getting started, Click create health check.

Amazon Route53

Important Note:

  • You can use Route53 health checks for monitoring and alerts. Each health check provides Cloud Watch metrics that you can view and set alarms on.
  • You can also use Route53 health checks for DNS failover by associating health checks with any Route53 DNS resource record sets. This lets you route requests based on the health of your endpoints.

4. Domain Registration

Route53 allows you to register a domain name within minutes.

Registering Domain name with Amazon Route53:

Step 1: To register a domain name, start by finding the one that’s available.

Step 2: Enter the first part of the name (for example in

Step 3: Choose an extension (such as .com or .org), and click on Check.

Amazon will check if the domain name is available or not, as shown in the below image.

Amazon Route53Step 4: Once the domain name is entered by the user, Amazon will show you all available domain names.

Amazon Route53Step 5: Click on add to cart button and select the domain name which they need to purchase.

Amazon Route53Step 6: After adding the domain name to cart button users can proceed for payment.  Add your basic contact details.

Amazon Route53

Step 7: Click on register button and users are all set to buy domain name after successful payment. Users can see all available domain names under Hosted Zone.


Amazon Route53 is designed to give developers and businesses an extremely reliable and cost-effective way to route end users to internet application. Here, in this blog we understand the overview of Amazon Route53 and how to create your domain name using Amazon route53 services.