SQL Injection Attack - Explained

SQL Injection Attack – Explained

SQL query is a trusted command! The biggest lie believed by web developers when they are unaware of the ways to tamper the queries. SQL queries can get around the access controls bypass standard authentication checks and offer access to the host operating system level commands. A technique that lets the attacker create or alter […]

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5 Must Haves in an ERP Solution for Manufacturing Companies

5 Must Haves in an ERP Solution for Manufacturing Companies

When there is a noted growth witnessed in the adoption of digital technologies across various industries, manufacturers are also gearing up for much-needed digital transformation. It is now a necessity to have a robust ERP system in place, to achieve operational and business efficiency. However, for entrepreneurs, while planning an efficient ERP solution, it is an […]

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Mainstream Support to End Soon. Didn't See It Coming? Don’t Panic!

Microsoft Dynamics AX Mainstream Support to End Soon. Didn’t See It Coming? Don’t Panic!

Working with Microsoft Dynamics AX? Here is the most important news for you, Microsoft is ending its mainstream support for Dynamics AX 2009 on April 10, 2018. If you have not planned anything yet, it is high time that you start getting a plan to upgrade and migrate. Every enterprise application solution from Microsoft comes […]

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Core ML and Machine Learning in iOS

Core ML and machine learning in iOS

Core ML enables apps to use Machine Learning models with less power consumption, efficient processing speed and low memory usage. Core ML supports various models including neural networks, tree ensembles, support vector machines, generalized linear models, feature engineering and pipeline models. However, all of the models need to be converted to a .mlmodel file extension. […]

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Learning Machine Learning
Data & Analytics

Learning machine learning

  Machine Learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence that provides computers the ability to learn or to improve without being explicitly programmed. Instead of writing a brand new algorithm, machine learning tools enable systems to develop and refine algorithms, by finding patterns in huge amounts of data. It focuses on the development of computer […]

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Kotlin vs Java. What to choose?

Kotlin vs Java. What to choose?

Where Kotlin takes off is tackling more inherent issues with Java. Kotlin has more than a few Pros that improve Android Development and App Performance 1. It’s Android-Focused: Kotlin was written by the same folks who created popular integrated design environments (IDEs), so its background comes from mobile industry pros who were looking to solve […]

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Kotlin | An Emerging language to power Android Application Development

Kotlin | An Emerging language to power Android Application Development

Now that Google has embraced Kotlin-making it an official language on Android-cross-platform development has become a lot simpler. Let us understand what Kotlin is and its features. Brief Overview of Kotlin Kotlin is an OSS statically typed programming language that targets the JVM, Android, JavaScript and Native. It is developed by JetBrains. The project started […]

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Addressing Excuses for not Investing in Cybersecurity

Addressing Excuses for not Investing in Cybersecurity

We all know cyber-attacks are on the rise in today’s digitalized world. More importantly, it’s the small and medium-sized businesses that are being affected more than their counterparts. While talking to them we found that they strongly agreed that IT security is an important issue for their organization, however fail to see cybersecurity as a […]

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Best Practices for Securing Windows Server
Managed IT Services

Best Practices for Securing Windows Server

Windows Server is a server operating system from Microsoft. Unlike, UNIX-based operating system, Windows Server offers ease of management through its interface. Microsoft server includes different types of roles such as AD, DFS, DNS, DHCP, IIS, File and print server, etc. Understanding how to maintain a secure, optimized, and well-monitored Windows Server can drastically reduce […]

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Unlock Potential of MySQL Server

Unlock Potential of MySQL Server

The main reason to optimize the MySQL server is to use minimum server resources and give maximum output. This blog will help to understand the factors that plays role in optimizing the MySQL server. Optimizing MySQL server is a very critical project to complete however with the help of DBA you can optimize your database. To […]

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Integrating Dynamics AX and Shipping Carriers

Integrating Dynamics AX and Shipping Carriers

Integrating Dynamics AX and Shipping Carriers can help your business manage tracking numbers, quickly generate and print mailing labels, decrease the overall time spent preparing and shipping orders to your customers. Your business comes into play by Integrating Dynamics AX and Shipping Carriers. Shipping carriers can be integrated with your Dynamics software, saving valuable time, sharing […]

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How to Track Incident Closures Effectively
Data Center Support

How to Track Incident Closures Effectively

Incident is an unplanned interruption. When the operational status of any activity turns from working to failed and causes the system to behave in an unplanned manner it is an incident. More than one incident can give rise to a major problem which should be resolved, preferably as soon as possible. This article describe the details […]

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