4-Step Guide to Create Serverless Cloud Application with AWS Lambda

4-Step Guide to Create Serverless Cloud Application with AWS Lambda


Looking for a guide to application development in cloud computing? AWS Serverless approach lets you build applications and backend services without the requirement to provision any servers. With the “pay as you use” model using AWS serverless platforms, you only pay for what you use.

Key Benefits of Building Modern Applications on AWS

  • Applications built with a server require no server management. This, in turn, means no software to install.
  • Services run by the AWS server-less platform offer up to 100% uptime with high reliability and availability.
  • Serverless platforms can be scaled automatically.
  • Serverless applications provide unlimited user capacity.

Introducing AWS Lambda

This article is written by experts who have been providing cloud application development services for decades now. Read this systematic guide to AWS Lambda for more.


AWS Lambda is a cloud service that lets you run your codes without any server management. Using AWS lambda you can run any type of backend code that runs your backend code and responds to your events.

If you want to upload an object to your Amazon S3 bucket, update the operating system to the Amazon Dynamo DB table, or manage your data into Amazon Kinesis strain.

AWS Lambda Features

  • AWS lambda facilitates all the capacities for scaling, patching, and administrating infrastructure to run your code and provide visibility into performance with real-time matrices and logs on Amazon CloudWatch.
  • AWS Lambda doesn’t require any upfront investment, only a low fee per request and for the time your code runs measures in increments of 100ms. Easy to use, AWS Lambda works with any third-party library, even the native ones.

AWS Lambda Function for Application Development in Cloud Computing

The code you run on AWS Lambda is a Lambda function AWS Lambda is a cloud library that offers pre-built sample functions for common use cases such as image conversion, file compression, and change notifications.

AWS Lambda Features and Understanding its Usability for Building a Modern Application on AWS:

  • With Built-in support for AWS Software Development Kit (SDK), AWS Lambda makes it easy to trigger and call other AWS services. Within a span of a few seconds, AWS Lambda triggers your function automatically on the occurrence of any event.
  • Any event can trigger your function, making it easy for you to build applications that respond quickly to new information. All you need to do is to choose the amount of memory you may require to allocate to your functions, post which, AWS Lambda allocates proportional CPU power, network bandwidth, and disk I/O.

How it worksAWS Lambda, Go Serverless

Create a Simple Lambda Function:

Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda Console.


Step 2: Choose Create a function under the Get Started section to proceed.

3Step 3: You are redirected to the Create function page that presents three options:

  • Author from Scratch
  • Blueprints
  • Server-less Application Repository


Step 4: In Author from Scratch, do the following:

In Name*, specify your Lambda function name

In Runtime*, choose a language for a function to create.

In Role*, choose Create new role from the Template(s):

In Role name*, enter a name for your role

Leave the policy templates field blank. For the introduction, your Lambda function possesses the necessary execution permissions.

Note: See Authentication and Access Control for AWS Lambda to look in-depth at Lambda’s security policies.

Choose Create Function



This blog provides a reader with an accurate understanding of AWS Lambda and commissions building a serverless application using AWS Lambda in 4 easy steps.

Serverless platforms pave an innovative way to deal with the development of an application and let a developer concentrate only on building beautiful applications without thinking about different aspects of managing operating systems, applying security patches, and handling infrastructure performance.

Looking to Develop Serverless applications using AWS Lambda? Get in touch with us today!